Launch archR's Shiny app, a graphical user interface for archR. The app supports the following functionalities.

Input data

The app enables reading input FASTA files and provides a summary noting the number of sequences and existence of any non-ACGT characters.

Configuration settings

The app enables the user to set custom configuration.


The user can choose to run archR in either serial or parallel mode. When parallel mode is selected, the user can further choose to run archR via the Slurm workload manager or otherwise. Jobs can be submitted and managed (queue status monitoring and canceling a submitted job) from within the app.

Viewing result

The app can help visualize results from an archR run when provided with archR's result file (as RDS file). Specifically, sequence logos of architectures and images of clustered sequences can be viewed and saved to disk as PDF and PNG files respectively

run_archR_UI(lbrowser = TRUE)



Logical. Set this to FALSE if you do not wish to launch the app in the browser. Default is TRUE, i.e., the app will launch in the browser. Note: Saving PDF plots when the app is run via the external viewer in RStudio could have problems.


Shiny application


if(interactive()) { run_archR_UI(lbrowser = TRUE) }